Project Lift – update 4

As a follow up to the last update of picutres, as you can see, the buildings are stripped and nearly down.

We have had a great team of dedicated volunteers working constantly on the project 6 days a week since early January. Even though the team has been mostly quite small they have gotten enourmous amounts of work done and are proving that they are the team meant to get the job done.

We should see a couple of more weeks of dismantling, site clean and moving the last of the materials to off-site storage. Transport of the walls has been on going during the project, stacking them on pallets and keeping them on-site with no shelter isn’t really an option. We’ve had to spilt some of it up as we don’t have access to a storage area that will hold ever single bit but with a decent marking and documentation system we know where it all is and which parts we’ll need when we finally start to put the walls up again.

We will keep you updated on any more exciting further developments both here and on Facebook. The important thing is that Charleville Castle Members, Volunteers and Supporters have been bonding together to raise much needed emergency funds for our site Volunteer’s expenses, pay for their Safe Pass course, accommodation and food aswell as on-site equipment and transport costs.

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