The Second Annual Explorers Museum Film Festival

Explorers Museum CrestWe are honoured to announce The 2nd Annual Explorers Museum Film Festival will be opened on

Friday evening 4th of September 2015 by the Canadian Ambassador, H.E. Kevin Vickers.

Lorie Karnath, co-founder of The Explorers Museum, delivers welcome on behalf of the museum. Dudley Stewart and Bridget Vance welcome guests on behalf of the Charleville Castle.

The evening will start with the Explorers Pennant Ceremony, the teturn of pennant #4 to Lorie Karnath and Mabel Purkerson, director and chair of the pennant committee, by Anne Doubilet. director of pennant #4 and handing over to Mark Terry, direct
or for his upcoming expedition.

The Film Festival was first launched in 2014 in order to promote the development of The Explorers Museum, which will be based at Charleville Castle. The Charleville Castle Heritage Trust will work with The Explorers Museum to develop a world-class museum, which will honour past, present and future accomplishments in the realm of exploration and draw audiences from around the world. A not for profit venture, it will serve to promote exploration through recognition of significant expeditions and discoveries, while also curating special exhibits featuring feats and historical achievements.

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