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Project Lift – Update 1

Charleville Castle is one step closer to realising the dream of having proper temporary accommodation on its site – we have been working diligently now for the past 3 weeks on disassembling one of the two donated Austrian Strabag buildings at the Limerick Tunnel construction site and are successfully on schedule. We have over 20 hard working volunteers currently on the site who have gone through safe pass training in order to help in the disassembly/transport and re-assembly process. We are forever grateful for their help and efforts – some even staying weekly to help get the job done in Limerick to avoid long travel.

In order for this project to be completed, we need to be able to compensate our volunteer’s expenses so that they can complete the project.

The addition to proper lodgings on the castle grounds means big and promising improvements for Charleville Castle. It means that any volunteer or overnight stay groups can relax knowing that they will have their own living quarters equipped with meeting rooms, kitchens, laundry, showers and bathrooms for themselves. Event and fundraiser organizers can have more comfortable and accessible production offices on the event grounds. At present, the accommodation conditions are awkward as the castle becomes increasingly under pressure from unnecessary traffic which contradicts our conservation process. This way, international and national volunteer groups can have comfortable lodgings for days, weeks at a time and enables increased restoration projects to happen more frequently. Interns will have lodgings instead of having to find accommodation in town, and overnight stay groups can have a gathering in the castle and retire to comfortable facilities without having to sleep on the floor or remove all bedding from the main rooms in time for tours to commence.

We really need the support from our members in order to fund this project to prevent excess traffic in the castle’s delicate areas where the temporary buildings would ease this aspect.

If you would like to make a charitable donation to Charleville Castle Heritage Trust you can donate via paypal below or if you wish to donate some time to help contact us via the contact page at the top and let us know what you can do!

[donation-can Project_Lift show_progress=false show_description=false show_title=false]

Any denomination is appreciated and will boost morale in the volunteers that are making this project happen with your help.

Our next update will come shortly –

Thanks a million!

The Volunteers
Charleville Castle