As we start to move away from Limerick
As the first phase of project lift draws to a close the second phase has already started! We’ve still got some of the waste treatment systems to remove from the site in Limerick if anyone can give a hand, again safepass required for it. You can contact us at or through the contact page.
The second phase has actually been going on for awhile, it’s composed of planning and fund-raising. Such a large project would be nothing without either! We’ve got some good things planned with both buildings but as we start to leave Limerick we need to get going on fund-raising again to cover costs for moving the buildings and storing them. If you have any ideas for good fundraising events let us know! Alternativly there is a donate link on the right hand side of the site if you wish to contribute to this immense project for the castle.
We had a bit of a problem getting the latest pictures from the site in Limerick, hope to have them soon for a side-by-side comparison, might have a bit of video as well if it turned out well.