Posts Tagged ‘ charleville castle


Sundays are usually quiet affairs, sunday dinner, sunday drive, etc. Oh and now-a-days sunday shopping. For us it’s still project lift! Site work can’t be done on Sunday so what we can fit in to a trailer is fitted and shipped back to the castle saturday night, sunday begins the sorting, storage and de-nailing in some cases.

We can store alot of the materials in the lower areas of the castle, alot of the smaller peices from the interior are easily handled and fitted in. The larger pieces from outside walls, the roof (a-frames, awnings), in some cases the windows are going to be the hard parts to store! That is of course after the transport is arranged.

If you have storage around Tullamore or even in Limerick that you might donate for awhile to help with this project then give us a shout! If you have transport that might help us get some of these materials from Limerick to Tullamore (or where we’re storing them) we’ed love to hear from you as well!

Once we get a roof over the first building on our site storage problems will dissappear for a little while. We’ll be able to move a good bit of the other building inside the first one so all the materials are on site and near to hand for us. Pallets are also high on the list! Walls must be stacked on pallets for ease of transport using a teleporter or forklift and of course the save huge amounts of time when loading and unloading a container. If you have any spare pallets we’ed gladly put them to good use!

Project Lift Update 3 – photos!

Finally, time to show off some of the progress we’ve been making!

We’ll try for another post with more of a naritive instead of a block of pictures to let everyone know what was going on. As you can see a lot of the fine, sunny days happened before the roof was moved, then the fog and snow rolled in for a few days.. Work still goes on!

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Quick “lift” update

We’ve been a bit quiet over the last few days, mainly due to being quiet busy with project lift and other castle related projects.

We’re more then half way through the deconstructing of the buildings in Limerick (Phase 1) and we’ll be moving on to transportation and storage soon enough. We won’t be short of things to do this year at all! Micheal from the castle has kindly been taking pictures of the progress during deconstruction, we’re nearly finished processing and organising them so they will be up soon.

Project lift – Raising the roof!

We’re getting there! Extra help is urgently needed though!

We’re planning on raising the roof of one of the buildings soon, an important milestone on this project. Once the roof the walls won’t take long to come down. Since the roof is one of the most important parts of the building it can also be the most difficult part to disassemble. For that reason we urgently need volunteer riggers and steeple jacks (Carpenters and general helper volunteers needed too) for this phase of the project to proceed quickly.

If you can help contact us through the contact link above or contact Dudley directly – 087 909 2593.

Any help is appreciated for this immense project!

Killarney Paranormal Society (KPS) Fundraiser

Killarney Paranormal Society are doing a fundraiser for the castle, a leg and chest waxing! Ouch. They have four guys lined up already for it, hope it goes well for you guys!

It’s being held in The Granery, Killarney, Co. Kerry on the 6th of March. Have a look at the facebook page for more details. Head down, have some fun and watch someone get waxed on the night 🙂