Posts Tagged ‘ project lift

Recent Fundraisers


Paranormal investigation groups ‘The Paranormal Research Association of Ireland’ (PRAOFI) and ‘Irish Paranormal Investigation Crew’ (IPIC) team together to raise an extra €1,000 worth of funds for Operation Lift

Many thanks go to Traze Shallow of PRAI, Maura and Garrett of IPIC, and all involved as they conducted 2 extra Paranormal Investigation nights – February 20th and 27th in aid of Operation Lift, bringing in over €1,000 extra needed funds which was used for the essential Safe Pass training expenses for the volunteer site workers. More investigations are scheduled to happen out of their ordinary yearly schedule which is going to make a huge difference in the financial sustainability of the project. WELL DONE!

Gillian Murphy conducts special tour Sunday 28th of February raising €300 for Operation Lift

This money helped elevate the total funds raised that weekend and she wowed her guests with her psychic know-how and familiarity with Charleville Castle, giving special attention to the special energy surrounding the castle and its strength in the middle of the tower rooms on the mezzanine floor. We’re looking forward to the next tour! Thanks a million Gillian!

The Burren College of Art and their International Students Raise €600 through an overnight photographic excursion Saturday, March 6th, 2010

As many are aware, Charleville Castle is beautiful to photograph because of its picturesque setting as well as its stunning Neo-Gothic interior and exterior design. Many photography groups have produced amazing shots from the castle that are mostly posted on Flickr. Martina Cleary graciously offered to bring her students for an overnight experience at the castle. All camped out in the lounge keeping warm by the fire, as they all periodically ventured throughout the many rooms and aspects of the castle to explore their creativity. We can’t wait to see the finished products. Thanks again Martina and your students, for appreciating the unique beauty and design of one of Francis Johnston’s architectural masterpieces.

The money that Martina and her students from The Burren College of Art raised is going directly towards incurred site expenses which enables the workers to hire necessary equipment to de-construct the massive parts of the buildings such as the roof and side panels.

Some of the students have started putting up their photos on their own websites, is one of the first we’ve seen online.


Photos from Killarney Paranormal’s Leg and Chest Shave fundraiser Saturday March 6th
The Irish Burner’s Potluck dinner Saturday March 20th
The Red Embers and Stagecraft Ireland’s DANCE-A-THON Saturday, March 20th

watch this space!

Project Lift – update 4

As a follow up to the last update of picutres, as you can see, the buildings are stripped and nearly down.

We have had a great team of dedicated volunteers working constantly on the project 6 days a week since early January. Even though the team has been mostly quite small they have gotten enourmous amounts of work done and are proving that they are the team meant to get the job done.

We should see a couple of more weeks of dismantling, site clean and moving the last of the materials to off-site storage. Transport of the walls has been on going during the project, stacking them on pallets and keeping them on-site with no shelter isn’t really an option. We’ve had to spilt some of it up as we don’t have access to a storage area that will hold ever single bit but with a decent marking and documentation system we know where it all is and which parts we’ll need when we finally start to put the walls up again.

We will keep you updated on any more exciting further developments both here and on Facebook. The important thing is that Charleville Castle Members, Volunteers and Supporters have been bonding together to raise much needed emergency funds for our site Volunteer’s expenses, pay for their Safe Pass course, accommodation and food aswell as on-site equipment and transport costs.


Sundays are usually quiet affairs, sunday dinner, sunday drive, etc. Oh and now-a-days sunday shopping. For us it’s still project lift! Site work can’t be done on Sunday so what we can fit in to a trailer is fitted and shipped back to the castle saturday night, sunday begins the sorting, storage and de-nailing in some cases.

We can store alot of the materials in the lower areas of the castle, alot of the smaller peices from the interior are easily handled and fitted in. The larger pieces from outside walls, the roof (a-frames, awnings), in some cases the windows are going to be the hard parts to store! That is of course after the transport is arranged.

If you have storage around Tullamore or even in Limerick that you might donate for awhile to help with this project then give us a shout! If you have transport that might help us get some of these materials from Limerick to Tullamore (or where we’re storing them) we’ed love to hear from you as well!

Once we get a roof over the first building on our site storage problems will dissappear for a little while. We’ll be able to move a good bit of the other building inside the first one so all the materials are on site and near to hand for us. Pallets are also high on the list! Walls must be stacked on pallets for ease of transport using a teleporter or forklift and of course the save huge amounts of time when loading and unloading a container. If you have any spare pallets we’ed gladly put them to good use!

Project Lift Update 3 – photos!

Finally, time to show off some of the progress we’ve been making!

We’ll try for another post with more of a naritive instead of a block of pictures to let everyone know what was going on. As you can see a lot of the fine, sunny days happened before the roof was moved, then the fog and snow rolled in for a few days.. Work still goes on!

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Quick “lift” update

We’ve been a bit quiet over the last few days, mainly due to being quiet busy with project lift and other castle related projects.

We’re more then half way through the deconstructing of the buildings in Limerick (Phase 1) and we’ll be moving on to transportation and storage soon enough. We won’t be short of things to do this year at all! Micheal from the castle has kindly been taking pictures of the progress during deconstruction, we’re nearly finished processing and organising them so they will be up soon.