Posts Tagged ‘ restoration

A 1789 masterpiece by Matthew William Peters, rediscovered and restored

In the last few months a masterpiece that once hung in Charleville Castle has gone on display in the Beaverbrook Gallery in New Brunswick, Canada, described as a “priceless relic and touchstone to history,” it is a 1789 masterpiece by Matthew William Peters portraying the christening of Princess Elizabeth as described in the last scene of the last act of William Shakespeare’s last play, Henry VIII.

Matthew William Peters portrays the christening of Princess Elizabeth as described in the last scene of the last act of William Shakespeare’s last play, Henry VIII.

Such an important part of history, not only for the castle but in general, was nearly lost due to vandalism and neglect. It is very fortunate that Graham Gordon has had the will and resources to spend the time to restore this painting back to it’s former glory rather than leaving it to crumble or cutting out sections of the painting to restore individually.

We hope some day that this painting, or even a replica, will grace Charleville Castle with it’s majesty once more.

More information about the paintings road to restoration can be found on the Beaver Brook Art Gallery website –

One week left – Violetta

There’s only one week left until Violetta returns to Charleville Castle. Joining her will be Michele Faber (USA), Fredrik Carlquist, the great sax player from Sweden – top international performers – along with two of Ireland’s new musical sensations, Dave Redmond on bass and Kevin Brady on drums. All in the the ballroom of Charleville Castle with roaring fires, a sponsored wine reception all in a
candlelit setting.

All in aid of the restoration of the magnificiant Charleville Castle. Tickets are available online through ticketmaster. The Tullamore Court Hotel has been particularly supportive of this event with a large reduction on the cost of overnight accommodation with full breakfast and all the other perks, if you book through the Tullamore Court Hotel you will have the possibility of enjoying Tullamore’s finest hotel arrangement for just €55 per person sharing.

Remember, this is all in aid of the restoration of Charleville Castle, with your support we can bring more great acts like this to Tullamore and Charleville Castle and it brings us another step in the restoration project.

Hope to see you there!

Project Lift – Update,.. We’re there!?

It’s been awhile coming but we can finally say, we’re there! After a phone call from Dudley on the site yesterday we can safely say every bit of the buildings, including the sewage treatment system, have been removed from the port tunnel site of Limerick. It’s an important milestone in this project, it marks the transition from work in Limerick to organising and sorting materials that have been transported off site to storage areas and to the Castle grounds.

We’ve still got a big job ahead of us but the first part is just about done with only some site clean up left, very soon we’ll be sitting down to planning and getting us through a busy summer, we have Shakefest comming up soon and Castlepaloozawon’t be far behind it!

A busy summer for sure, hope we’ll see plenty of familar and new faces around the Castle during the summer and when we start the next part, ground prep and of course finally putting up the buildings!

Project Lift – Nearly there!

We’re getting there! Not much left to dissasmble now, just the base. Plenty left to ship out.

What does everyone think of all this so far? 🙂

Volunteers Kitchen makeover

Just an update about something else we’ve worked on awhile ago, the stove! It just before christmas and is back in working order. I’m not sure why it wasn’t posted sooner.

There’s more!

The volunteers kitchen has gotten a bit of a make over couresty of the Lituanian cultural society. They did a pretty damn good job of it, clean, neat organised and fresh coat over some of the more worn area’s. Smiley is hoping to take some pictures of it soon but during the winter times a retreat is sounded and the castle people retract to concentrate the warmth. Spring is coming in but so is project lift! The normal house keeping jobs that come with spring have to delayed a little to concentrate on this huge project.

We’d like to thank everyone that helped raise funds for the stove, long may it provide hot meals and unblackened pots!